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 Memorable Moment of the Year...

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2 participants

Memorable Moment of the Year...
Road Warrior Animal teams with Rick Steiner (Slammiversary)
Memorable Moment of the Year... Poll_left0%Memorable Moment of the Year... Poll_right
 0% [ 0 ]
"Black Machismo" Jay Lethal upsets Kurt Angle (No Surrender)
Memorable Moment of the Year... Poll_left0%Memorable Moment of the Year... Poll_right
 0% [ 0 ]
Gail Kim becomes the first Women’s Champion (Bound For Glory)
Memorable Moment of the Year... Poll_left0%Memorable Moment of the Year... Poll_right
 0% [ 0 ]
Jeff Jarrett is revealed as Eric Young’s friend (Impact)
Memorable Moment of the Year... Poll_left0%Memorable Moment of the Year... Poll_right
 0% [ 0 ]
Booker T and Sharmell come to TNA Wrestling (Genesis)
Memorable Moment of the Year... Poll_left0%Memorable Moment of the Year... Poll_right
 0% [ 0 ]
Sting regains the World Championship (Bound For Glory)
Memorable Moment of the Year... Poll_left100%Memorable Moment of the Year... Poll_right
 100% [ 1 ]
Kurt Angle wins King Of The Mountain (Slammiversary)
Memorable Moment of the Year... Poll_left0%Memorable Moment of the Year... Poll_right
 0% [ 0 ]
Adam "Pacman" Jones signs with TNA Wrestling
Memorable Moment of the Year... Poll_left0%Memorable Moment of the Year... Poll_right
 0% [ 0 ]
Kurt Angle wins every TNA Championship (Hard Justice)
Memorable Moment of the Year... Poll_left0%Memorable Moment of the Year... Poll_right
 0% [ 0 ]
Total des votes : 1


Nombre de messages : 4117
Age : 35
Localisation : St Quentin (02)
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2007

Memorable Moment of the Year... Empty
MessageSujet: Memorable Moment of the Year...   Memorable Moment of the Year... Icon_minitimeJeu 3 Jan - 15:47

N'oubliez pas d'argumenter un minimum...
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The Rock
European Champ
European Champ
The Rock

Nombre de messages : 127
Date d'inscription : 30/12/2007

Memorable Moment of the Year... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Memorable Moment of the Year...   Memorable Moment of the Year... Icon_minitimeVen 4 Jan - 0:30

J'ai beaucoup hésité entre le moment ou Booker T et Sharmel sont arrivés à la TNA et le moment ou Sting a regagné le titre à Bound For Glory mais j'ai voté pour Sting.Tout simplement parce que ce fut un match énorme,une victoire du Stinger superbe et puis une ambiance magnifique,Kurt Angle un catcheur tout simplement énorme...Bref un match super
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Memorable Moment of the Year...
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