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 Les champions

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MessageSujet: Les champions   Les champions Icon_minitimeMar 6 Nov - 18:34

Comme les champions dans WWE SD! vs RAW 2007 doivent pas tous vous plaire,dites nous qui vous avez mis en champions.

WWE Champion:Randy Orton
Intercontinental Champion:Shelton Benjamin
Women's Champion:Trish Stratus
World Tag Team Champions:Triple H et HBK

World Heavyweight Champion:Undertaker
United-States Champion:Matt Hardy
Cruiserweight Champion:Rey Mysterio
WWE Tag Team Champions:Batista et Eddie Guerrero

Hardcore Champion:Edge
Smoking Skull Champon:Steve Austin
Million Dollar Champion:Bret Hart
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MessageSujet: Re: Les champions   Les champions Icon_minitimeMar 6 Nov - 20:20

WWE Champion: Lazlo ( Razz )
Intercontinental Champion: HBK
Women's Champion: Melina
World Tag Team Champions: Johny Nitro & Randy Orton

World Heavyweight Champion: Lazlo ( Razz )
United-States Champion: Brian Kendrick
Cruiserweight Champion: Kid Kash
WWE Tag Team Champions: The Hooliganz

Hardcore Champion:Edge
Smoking Skull Champon:Steve Austin
Million Dollar Champion: Teddy Hart
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Cruiserserweight Champ
Cruiserserweight Champ

Nombre de messages : 237
Age : 31
Localisation : chasser le mamouth a grand coup de pompe
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2007

Les champions Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les champions   Les champions Icon_minitimeMer 7 Nov - 2:09

C'est qui se troue du c** de Lazlo Les champions 196228 Les champions 196228 lol!
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MessageSujet: Re: Les champions   Les champions Icon_minitimeMer 7 Nov - 2:20

Salop de King-o vas ! Les champions 196228 Les champions 196228
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Ring Of Honor Champ
Ring Of Honor Champ

Nombre de messages : 1245
Age : 29
Localisation : ARCUEIL dans le 94
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2008

Les champions Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les champions   Les champions Icon_minitimeDim 13 Jan - 14:31

WWE Champion: batista
Intercontinental Champion: umaga
Women's Champion: melina
World Tag Team Champions: undertaker & kane

World Heavyweight Champion: mark henry
United-States Champion: matt hardy
Cruiserweight Champion: rey mysterio
WWE Tag Team Champions: HHH & HBK

Hardcore Champion: RVD
Smoking Skull Champon:
Million Dollar Champion
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The Rock
European Champ
European Champ
The Rock

Nombre de messages : 127
Date d'inscription : 30/12/2007

Les champions Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les champions   Les champions Icon_minitimeDim 13 Jan - 15:52

WWE Champion: Randy Orton
Intercontinental Champion: Mr Kennedy
Women's Champion: Mickie James
World Tag Team Champions: Carlito & Johnny Nitro

World Heavyweight Champion : The Undertaker
United-States Champion: Matt Hardy
Cruiserweight Champion: Rey Mysterio
WWE Tag Team Champions: Batista & Edge ( drole ça non ? )

Hardcore Champion: Rob Van Dam
Smoking Skull Champon:Steve Austin
Million Dollar Champion: JBL
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