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 [PWG] Life During Wartime

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TNA World Heavyweight Champ
TNA World Heavyweight Champ

Nombre de messages : 1760
Age : 29
Localisation : 69 lyon
Date d'inscription : 11/04/2008

[PWG] Life During Wartime Empty
MessageSujet: [PWG] Life During Wartime   [PWG] Life During Wartime Icon_minitimeLun 7 Juil - 14:05

Citation :
Single Match :
Brandon Bonham def. Arik Cannon

3-Way Match :
Mikey Nichols defeated Hook Bomberry & Charles Mercury

Single Match :
Claudio Castagnoli def. Zokre

Single Match :
The Necro Butcher def. Kikutaro

Single Match :
Scorpio Sky def. Chris Bosh

Triple Threat Tag Team Match :
Matt Jackson & Mick Jackson def. Joey Ryan & Scott Lost & MIYAWAKI & KAZMA

PWG World Tag Team Title Match:
Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black def. Roderick Strong & El Generico

PWG World Title Steel Cage Guerrilla Warfare Match:
Chris Hero def. The Human Tornado
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[PWG] Life During Wartime
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